Friday, 4 July 2014

Week 3 of the Buttermere Training plan

Sarah and I are in week 3 of our training now.

I've set us some tough targets, I'm trying to be realistic in terms of our ability but also in terms of the seriousness of our goal. A 10 km swim is not an easy target therefore a new level of dedication is needed to set us up well to not only succeed, but to get around the lake in good time, with relative ease, and to ENJOY IT!

The first week's target was to swim 10 km in anyway we wanted to complete it. That wasn't too bad at all, apart from the last 2 km where I wasn't motivated and had a headache.

I split it as:

tue   2000m total of drills, IMs and timed swims with a masters club, was really good, and tough!!
wed 4000m of technique focus and continuous kms
fri 2000m continuous
sat 2000m continuous

The second week I fell short by 1.5km

tue 2000m with a tri club, but I felt it was too easy and not enough focus
thur 4000m split as 1 km in the afternoon and 3 km in the evening. went hard for the 3 as was training with Tammy.
fri 2500m

I feel like I want to blame the flimsy swim with the club and the fact that I was away for the weekend on my shortfall. Really I should have just put the extra metres in around work in the mornings. I'm not good with early mornings, I can manage about 2 a week and that's it!

This is the third week and the only swimming I've done was on Wednesday.

I did 3000m of moderate to hard in a pool in the afternoon
then another 1600m at Shepperton. THAT was lovely, warm, clear evening and I even dared to swim the last 400m without a wetsuit and I loved it! I might even try the tri without too.

I'll be doing 800m in the triathlon on Saturday so that brings my total to 5400m.

The aim by the 3rd week was to test out a continuous 6000m which we'll have to push back to week 4 (shakes finger at self) but I don't even feel guilty about my lack of swimming this week because of the tri and I've gone to Bikram yoga twice which equates to 3 hours of tough core and stretching to try and recover - so important and I've been neglecting that part of my training.

Will try and get back on track on Monday but it's going to be tough as we're upping the total distance AND I already felt sick of swimming by the end of the 2nd week so much so that I rebelled by getting a TAKE-AWAY PIZZA!!!
Double whammy as don't really do pizzas let alone take away!!!

I say good luck to us for the remaining 9 weeks aaaaaarrrrrgh!