Saturday 11 May 2024

4 x 600m -technique and stamina

Total 2400m 

Aim: holding technique under stress, start off with tech focus then keep it throughout the short but more intense blocks - DON'T REST FOR LONG BETWEEN BLOCKS

600m as 6 x 100m - easy to moderate effort - 15 sec rest 

Each 100 has a different technique focus:

1. breathe every 4 strokes to the right

2. breathe every 4 strokes to the left

3. single arm swim right

4. single arm swim left

5. power through the tricep extension of the stroke

6. high elbows on recovery, relaxed hand entry

600m as 3 x 200m -  all moderate to hard effort - 15 sec rest 

200m kick

200m pull

200m swim 

600m as 2 x 300m - moderate then hard - 30 sec rest

swim the second 300m faster than the first 300m.

1 x 600m - hard effort

cool down with something nice! 

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